Physical Review E – April 1993
Volume 47, Issue 4


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Two-dimensional avalanches as stochastic Markov processes
E. Morales-Gamboa, J. Lomnitz-Adler, V. Romero-Rochín, R. Chicharro-Serra, and R. Peralta-Fabi
pp. R2229-R2232 [View Page Images or PDF (727 kB)]
Staircase polygons, elliptic integrals, Heun functions, and lattice Green functions
A. J. Guttmann and T. Prellberg
pp. R2233-R2236 [View Page Images or PDF (618 kB)]

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Coupled phase instability of a cellular pattern
B. Janiaud, H. Kokubo, and M. Sano
pp. R2237-R2240 [View Page Images or PDF (962 kB)]
Multidimensional pattern formation has an infinite number of constants of motion
Mark B. Mineev-Weinstein
pp. R2241-R2244 [View Page Images or PDF (656 kB)]
Traveling-wave wall states in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection
E. Y. Kuo and M. C. Cross
pp. R2245-R2248 [View Page Images or PDF (832 kB)]
Lattice Boltzmann thermohydrodynamics
F. J. Alexander, S. Chen, and J. D. Sterling
pp. R2249-R2252 [View Page Images or PDF (574 kB)]
Temperature and velocity profiles of turbulent convection in water
A. Tilgner, A. Belmonte, and A. Libchaber
pp. R2253-R2256 [View Page Images or PDF (940 kB)]
Ramp-induced wave-number selection for traveling waves
Boris A. Malomed
pp. R2257-R2260 [View Page Images or PDF (596 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Structure factor for phase ordering in nematic liquid crystals
A. J. Bray, Sanjay Puri, R. E. Blundell, and A. M. Somoza
pp. R2261-R2264 [View Page Images or PDF (731 kB)]
Molecular dynamics of phase separation in narrow channels
Pawel Keblinski, Wen-Jong Ma, Amos Maritan, Joel Koplik, and Jayanth R. Banavar
pp. R2265-R2268 [View Page Images or PDF (646 kB)]
Reorientation dynamics of ferroelectric liquid-crystal molecules near the smectic-A–smectic-C* transition
J. P. O’Brien, T. Moses, W. Chen, E. Freysz, Y. Ouchi, and Y. R. Shen
pp. R2269-R2272 [View Page Images or PDF (721 kB)]

Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, Dendritic Growth

Branch-height distribution in diffusion-limited deposition
David S. Graff and Leonard M. Sander
pp. R2273-R2276 [View Page Images or PDF (707 kB)]

Physics of Beams

Laser-induced electron acceleration in a counterpropagating rf field
Liang Feng and Yu-kun Ho
pp. R2277-R2280 [View Page Images or PDF (541 kB)]


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Probe for morphology and hierarchical correlations in scale-invariant structures
Raphael Blumenfeld and Robin C. Ball
pp. 2298-2302 [View Page Images or PDF (890 kB)]
Diffusion in a random medium: A Monte Carlo study
Isak Avramov, Andrey Milchev, and Panos Argyrakis
pp. 2303-2307 [View Page Images or PDF (902 kB)]
Application of reconstructed phase-space techniques for correlation-dimension calculations in a spatially extended dynamical system
J. J. Żebrowski
pp. 2308-2316 [View Page Images or PDF (1,568 kB)]
Axial next-nearest-neighbor Ising-model roughening transitions
Arjun Berera and Byungnam Kahng
pp. 2317-2320 [View Page Images or PDF (742 kB)]
Nonlinear-response effects in stochastic resonance
Hu Gang, H. Haken, and C. Z. Ning
pp. 2321-2325 [View Page Images or PDF (714 kB)]
Pile density is a control parameter of sand avalanches
P. Evesque, D. Fargeix, P. Habib, M. P. Luong, and P. Porion
pp. 2326-2332 [View Page Images or PDF (1,450 kB)]
Range of multifractality for random walks on random fractals
Eli Eisenberg, Armin Bunde, Shlomo Havlin, and H. Eduardo Roman
pp. 2333-2335 [View Page Images or PDF (447 kB)]
Stochastic averaging of the time-evolution operator for quantum systems driven by Ornstein-Uhlenbeck colored noise: A nonperturbative cluster cumulant method
S. Guha, G. Sanyal, S. H. Mandal, and D. Mukherjee
pp. 2336-2356 [View Page Images or PDF (2,779 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Synchronization of chaotic trajectories using control
Ying-Cheng Lai and Celso Grebogi
pp. 2357-2360 [View Page Images or PDF (700 kB)]
Relaxation from an intrinsically unstable state to the metastable state in a colored-noise-driven system
Qu Zhilin, Hu Gang, and Ma Benkun
pp. 2361-2365 [View Page Images or PDF (648 kB)]
On self-organized criticality in nonconserving systems
J. E. S. Socolar, G. Grinstein, and C. Jayaprakash
pp. 2366-2376 [View Page Images or PDF (2,014 kB)]
Brownian dynamics in a thin sheet with momentum decay
Kazuhiko Seki and Shigeyuki Komura
pp. 2377-2383 [View Page Images or PDF (1,122 kB)]
Relaxational dynamics after the quench of a conserved system with a continuous symmetry
M. Mondello and Nigel Goldenfeld
pp. 2384-2393 [View Page Images or PDF (1,814 kB)]
N-dimensional Abelian sandpile model with nearest-neighbor toppling
H. F. Chau and K. S. Cheng
pp. 2394-2400 [View Page Images or PDF (1,203 kB)]
Extremely simple nonlinear noise-reduction method
Thomas Schreiber
pp. 2401-2404 [View Page Images or PDF (583 kB)]
Statistics and scarring of eigenvectors of a shell model
D. C. Meredith
pp. 2405-2414 [View Page Images or PDF (1,840 kB)]
Competitive and noncompetitive reversible binding processes
Noam Agmon
pp. 2415-2429 [View Page Images or PDF (2,631 kB)]
Self-avoiding walks on compact fractals: Exact and Monte Carlo renormalization-group results
Ivan Živić, Sava Milošević, and H. Eugene Stanley
pp. 2430-2439 [View Page Images or PDF (1,768 kB)]
General behavior of the quenched averaged spectral density with a change in the ensemble probability distribution
M. Schulz and K. Handrich
pp. 2440-2443 [View Page Images or PDF (566 kB)]
Suppression of energy fluctuations in the classical counterpart of quantum models
Hua Wu, D. W. L. Sprung, Michel Vallières, and Da Hsuan Feng
pp. 2444-2447 [View Page Images or PDF (669 kB)]
Dissipative corrections to escape probabilities of thermal-nonequilibrium systems
V. A. Chinarov, M. I. Dykman, and V. N. Smelyanskiy
pp. 2448-2461 [View Page Images or PDF (2,593 kB)]
Diffusion-limited exciton fusion reaction in one-dimensional tetramethylammonium manganese trichloride (TMMC)
Ron Kroon, Hilde Fleurent, and Rudolf Sprik
pp. 2462-2472 [View Page Images or PDF (2,108 kB)]
Phase diagram of the five-vertex model
Miklós Gulácsi, Henk Van Beijeren, and Andrea C. Levi
pp. 2473-2483 [View Page Images or PDF (1,751 kB)]

Kinetic and Transport Theory, Fluid Structure

Perturbational view of inherent structures in water
Frank H. Stillinger and Teresa Head-Gordon
pp. 2484-2490 [View Page Images or PDF (1,099 kB)]
Consistent integral equations for two- and three-body-force models: Application to a model of silicon
Brian B. Laird, Jun Wang, and A. D. J. Haymet
pp. 2491-2502 [View Page Images or PDF (1,968 kB)]
See Also: Erratum

Thermal Physics and Fluid Dynamics

Reformulation of recursive-renormalization-group-based subgrid modeling of turbulence
Ye Zhou and George Vahala
pp. 2503-2519 [View Page Images or PDF (2,444 kB)]
Role of low-pass filtering in the process of attractor reconstruction from experimental chaotic time series
William F. Lawkins, C. Stewart Daw, Darryl J. Downing, and Ned E. Clapp, Jr.
pp. 2520-2535 [View Page Images or PDF (2,762 kB)]
Pattern selection in rotating convection with experimental boundary conditions
Thomas Clune and Edgar Knobloch
pp. 2536-2550 [View Page Images or PDF (2,153 kB)]

Complex Fluids

Micellar-shape anisometry near isotropic–liquid-crystal phase transitions
R. Itri and L. Q. Amaral
pp. 2551-2557 [View Page Images or PDF (1,065 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Cell dynamics simulation for the phase ordering of nematic liquid crystals
Hiroyasu Toyoki
pp. 2558-2561 [View Page Images or PDF (607 kB)]
Hydrodynamic effects in polydisperse charged colloidal suspensions at short times
G. Nägele, O. Kellerbauer, R. Krause, and R. Klein
pp. 2562-2574 [View Page Images or PDF (2,109 kB)]
Zero-sound-like modes in simple liquid metals
Chr. Morkel, T. Bodensteiner, and H. Gemperlein
pp. 2575-2580 [View Page Images or PDF (998 kB)]
Positronium in xenon: The path-integral approach
Terrence Reese and Bruce N. Miller
pp. 2581-2592 [View Page Images or PDF (2,327 kB)]
Cellular-automata calculation of frequency-dependent permeability of porous media
Mark A. Knackstedt, Muhammad Sahimi, and Derek Y. C. Chan
pp. 2593-2597 [View Page Images or PDF (800 kB)]
Reconstruction of the orientational pair-correlation function from neutron-diffraction data: The case of liquid hydrogen iodide
A. K. Soper, C. Andreani, and M. Nardone
pp. 2598-2605 [View Page Images or PDF (1,438 kB)]
Volume-fraction dependence of elastic moduli and transition temperatures for colloidal silica gels
M. C. Grant and W. B. Russel
pp. 2606-2614 [View Page Images or PDF (1,389 kB)]
Nonlinear fluctuation effects in dilute polymer solutions in periodic flow
Ming J. Hsia and Ben O’Shaughnessy
pp. 2615-2642 [View Page Images or PDF (4,548 kB)]
Phase diagram of a frustrated smectic liquid-crystal system and the absence of the incommensurate smectic-Ai2 phase
Prem Patel, Li Chen, and Satyendra Kumar
pp. 2643-2653 [View Page Images or PDF (1,977 kB)]
Directional growth of a smectic-A–smectic-B interface lying along a forbidden orientation
F. Melo and P. Oswald
pp. 2654-2662 [View Page Images or PDF (4,586 kB)]
Two-dimensional aggregation of polystyrene latex particles
Jolanta Stankiewicz, Miguel A. Cabrerizo Vílchez, and Roque Hidalgo Alvarez
pp. 2663-2668 [View Page Images or PDF (1,526 kB)]
Spectral evidence of connected structures in liquid water: Effective Raman density of vibrational states
D. Majolino, F. Mallamace, P. Migliardo, F. Aliotta, N. Micali, and C. Vasi
pp. 2669-2675 [View Page Images or PDF (1,334 kB)]
Free-energy model for charged Yukawa mixtures: Asymptotic strong-coupling limit and a nonlinear mixing rule
Yaakov Rosenfeld
pp. 2676-2682 [View Page Images or PDF (1,150 kB)]
Power-law scattering in fluids with a nonscalar order parameter
Apollo P. Y. Wong, Pierre Wiltzius, Ronald G. Larson, and Bernard Yurke
pp. 2683-2688 [View Page Images or PDF (1,039 kB)]
Crossover from scalar to vectorial percolation in silica gelation
F. Devreux, J. P. Boilot, F. Chaput, L. Malier, and M. A. V. Axelos
pp. 2689-2694 [View Page Images or PDF (1,146 kB)]
Dynamics of Ostwald ripening in the presence of surfactants
Jian Hua Yao and Mohamed Laradji
pp. 2695-2701 [View Page Images or PDF (1,127 kB)]

Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, Dendritic Growth

Prediction of dendritic spacings in a directional-solidification experiment
James A. Warren and J. S. Langer
pp. 2702-2712 [View Page Images or PDF (1,907 kB)]
Crossover from fractal to compact flow from simulations of two-phase flow with finite viscosity ratio in two-dimensional porous media
M. Ferer, W. N. Sams, R. A. Geisbrecht, and Duane H. Smith
pp. 2713-2723 [View Page Images or PDF (1,911 kB)]
Growth in non-Laplacian fields
A. P. Roberts and M. A. Knackstedt
pp. 2724-2728 [View Page Images or PDF (817 kB)]
Pattern formation in screened electrostatic fields: Growth in a channel and in two dimensions
J. Castellá, E. Louis, F. Guinea, O. Pla, and L. M. Sander
pp. 2729-2735 [View Page Images or PDF (1,379 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Theory of resonant and stimulated excitation of magnetic-moment fields in wave-plasma interactions
B. Chakraborty, Susmita Sarkar, Chandra Das, B. Bera, and Manoranjan Khan
pp. 2736-2747 [View Page Images or PDF (1,839 kB)]
Analysis of Kα line emission from aluminum plasmas created by intense proton beams
J. J. MacFarlane, P. Wang, J. Bailey, T. A. Mehlhorn, R. J. Dukart, and R. C. Mancini
pp. 2748-2758 [View Page Images or PDF (2,170 kB)]
Wake-field excitation in two- and three-component plasmas
David W. Aossey, James E. Williams, Hyun-Soo Kim, Jamie Cooney, Yung-Chun Hsu, and Karl E. Lonngren
pp. 2759-2767 [View Page Images or PDF (1,365 kB)]

Plasma physics

Time-resolved backside optical probing of picosecond-laser-pulse-produced plasma in solid materials
Brian-Tinh V. Vu, Otto L. Landen, and Abraham Szoke
pp. 2768-2777 [View Page Images or PDF (1,906 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Pulsation of harmonic and Kα emission from laser-produced plasmas
B. Luther-Davies and A. V. Rode
pp. 2778-2784 [View Page Images or PDF (1,300 kB)]
Shift and width of the Hα line of hydrogen in dense plasmas
St. Böddeker, S. Günter, A. Könies, L. Hitzschke, and H.-J. Kunze
pp. 2785-2791 [View Page Images or PDF (1,024 kB)]
Recombination of argon in an expanding plasma jet
M. C. M. van de Sanden, J. M. de Regt, and D. C. Schram
pp. 2792-2797 [View Page Images or PDF (861 kB)]
Escape time of heliumlike α resonance-line photons emitted from optically thick plasmas
J. P. Apruzese
pp. 2798-2805 [View Page Images or PDF (1,443 kB)]
Oscillations of low-current electrical discharges between parallel-plane electrodes. I. dc discharges
Z. Lj. Petrović and A. V. Phelps
pp. 2806-2815 [View Page Images or PDF (1,864 kB)]
See Also: See Also
Oscillations of low-current electrical discharges between parallel-plane electrodes. II. Pulsed discharges in H2
B. M. Jelenković, K. Rózsa, and A. V. Phelps
pp. 2816-2824 [View Page Images or PDF (1,659 kB)]
Oscillations of low-current electrical discharges between parallel-plane electrodes. III. Models
A. V. Phelps, Z. Lj. Petrović, and B. M. Jelenković
pp. 2825-2838 [View Page Images or PDF (2,584 kB)]

Physics of Beams

Nonlinear self-consistent theory for crossed-field devices
S. Riyopoulos
pp. 2839-2859 [View Page Images or PDF (3,310 kB)]
Quasiclassical approximation for the beamstrahlung process
Andrey V. Solov’yov, Andreas Schäfer, and Christian Hofmann
pp. 2860-2867 [View Page Images or PDF (1,085 kB)]

Classical Physics, Including Nonlinear Media

Electromagnetism in anisotropic chiral media
Pierre Hillion
pp. 2868-2873 [View Page Images or PDF (718 kB)]
Bound states of envelope solitons
Boris A. Malomed
pp. 2874-2880 [View Page Images or PDF (1,119 kB)]
Vector statistics of correlated Gaussian fields
D. Eliyahu
pp. 2881-2892 [View Page Images or PDF (1,498 kB)]

Biological Physics

Dynamical behavior of the firings in a coupled neuronal system
Wei Wang, G. Perez, and Hilda A. Cerdeira
pp. 2893-2898 [View Page Images or PDF (1,129 kB)]
Spatiotemporal pattern processing in a compartmental-model neuron
Paul C. Bressloff and John G. Taylor
pp. 2899-2912 [View Page Images or PDF (2,386 kB)]
Neural filters for jet analysis
Dawei W. Dong and Miklos Gyulassy
pp. 2913-2922 [View Page Images or PDF (1,622 kB)]

Computational Physics

Colloid aggregation with short-step diffusion: A more realistic model in the reaction limit
Agustín E. González
pp. 2923-2926 [View Page Images or PDF (694 kB)]
Recursive-Green’s-function analysis of wave propagation in two-dimensional nonhomogeneous media
K. B. Kahen
pp. 2927-2933 [View Page Images or PDF (1,075 kB)]


General Methods of Statistical Physics

Complex Fluids

Stick-slip response in electrorheological fluids
J. T. Woestman
pp. 2942-2945 [View Page Images or PDF (845 kB)]
Pattern formation caused by double quenches in binary polymer mixtures: Response of phase-separated structure to a second quench within a two-phase region
Hajime Tanaka
pp. 2946-2949 [View Page Images or PDF (1,625 kB)]
Chord-length distribution function for two-phase random media
S. Torquato and B. Lu
pp. 2950-2953 [View Page Images or PDF (512 kB)]
Dynamical properties of a ferroelectric nematic liquid crystal
Dongqing Wei and G. N. Patey
pp. 2954-2957 [View Page Images or PDF (597 kB)]

Plasma Physics

Short-time electric-field dynamics at a neutral point in strongly coupled plasmas
James W. Dufty and Lorena Zogaib
pp. 2958-2961 [View Page Images or PDF (610 kB)]

Biological Physics

Learning from examples in feedforward Boolean networks
Prabodh Shukla and Tapas Kumar Sinha
pp. 2962-2965 [View Page Images or PDF (635 kB)]


Reply to ‘‘Comment on ‘Negative temperature of vortex motion’ ’’
V. Berdichevsky, I. Kunin, and F. Hussain
pp. 2968-2969 [View Page Images or PDF (252 kB)]